Welcome Golf Channel Discussion Board (DB) members. The video provided above shows a face-on view of Taly's 300 yard swing in which he does not cock his wrists, does not swing his arms, does not square his clubface, and does not release his wrists or forearms. Taly actually restricts the movement of these body parts and simply uses the TALY MIND Set to pass the red ball over the golf ball. His mental goal is to generate CLUB SHAFT FLEX NOT CLUB HEAD SPEED. More...
Taly was invited to the ESPN NBC American Century Celebrity Golf Championships with Charles Barkley, John Elway, Michael Jordan, Ray Romano, Donald Trump, Tony Romo, Kevin Costner, Maury Povich, and more. Click Here
TALY TIP #1 Swing with a goal of maintaining club shaft flex, NOT a goal of generating club head speed. Your golf shots will be more powerful, effortless, and purer.